How to get rid of water damage on wood

Water damage to wood is a problem that many homeowners must deal with at some point, especially those who live in particularly humid climates or in very old houses. Water damage occurs for a number of different reasons, including poor ventilation, flooding, leakage and inadequate cleaning. Prevention is the key to getting rid of water damage on wood, although in some cases wood can be repaired and restored. If you notice water damage on your wood, you should act as soon as possible to avoid further damage. It is important to consider the extent of damage, the cost of replacing wood, etc. Before taking any irreversible action.


  1. Remove moisture from the wood. Maybe there is a leak somewhere or the room has poor ventilation. Make a thorough inspection of the room to locate the water source. Use a fan or a dehumidifier to dry the wood and remove the source of water damage as soon as possible. Wood that is exposed to water for too long can start to buckle, cup, splinter and crack. Make sure the room is properly ventilated and maintain a constant temperature of approximately 50 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Use low grade sandpaper to remove wood finish if damage is relatively mild. This will allow excess moisture to evaporate and dry the wood. Make sure the wood is completely dry, using fans and humidifiers before finishing.
  3. Water-damaged wooden refinish carefully. Purchase a lacquer or lacquer that is as similar as possible to the original. After sanding, apply a first layer and allow to dry. Remove excess waste and finish with a steel wool pad and proceed with additional layers until you are happy with the result.
  4. For more severe wood damage that has occurred over a long period of time, consider replacing part or all of the wood. Determine the source of moisture (leaks, floods, etc.) and make all necessary repairs.
  5. Professional contact to have the damage assessed if you are not sure how to proceed. If the wood is severely deformed, buckled, etc.

    Tips & Warnings

  • Avoid using wood in bathrooms, kitchens and basements because it will be especially susceptible to water damage.
  • Make sure the room is well ventilated and open a window when working with wood varnish.